Starting a business?
If you are starting a business here are some 101 tips for you to implement right away:
1) Marketing: Determining and selling the right product to the right person at the right time
2) Finance: Acquiring the money you need to make your business happen and accounting fo the money you make and the money it costs to make money
3) Production: Qualifying and procuring the right team to help you make the product the right way that meets your and your customer's expectations
4) Distribution: Ensuring you've got the right processes in place to get your product to the customer from the place it was created, packed, and prepared
5) Research & Development: When starting out, this is your special mental place where you are determining the needs of your customer
6) Regulation: Creating the right processes and procedures that meet the legal demands and expectations of the government and your end consumer
7) Labor: Recruiting the right team or even just a few people or one other person that can help you replicate you
2) Finance: Acquiring the money you need to make your business happen and accounting fo the money you make and the money it costs to make money
3) Production: Qualifying and procuring the right team to help you make the product the right way that meets your and your customer's expectations
4) Distribution: Ensuring you've got the right processes in place to get your product to the customer from the place it was created, packed, and prepared
5) Research & Development: When starting out, this is your special mental place where you are determining the needs of your customer
6) Regulation: Creating the right processes and procedures that meet the legal demands and expectations of the government and your end consumer
7) Labor: Recruiting the right team or even just a few people or one other person that can help you replicate you